Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Some commom threats to Marine Ecosystem

Ecosystem   marks up the whole life span of organisms living in an ecosystem.  On the planet Earth, a great variety of ecosystems thrives according to the need of the organism living in it and the physical condition existing in that area. The Huge ecosystem is comprised of many smaller ecosystem like in a green land ecosystem there will be a small puddle or stagnant water ecosystem. A completely unique and small ecosystem will be found thriving under the rocky sediments also. This may be referred as the sub-ecosystems of the terrestrial ecosystem.

Marine ecosystem: the largest ecosystem:

Of the entire huge ecosystem on the planet earth, the marine ecosystem is the hugest ecosystem because the 70 % of the earth is comprised of the marine bodies.  The marine ecosystem consists of the 90 % of the living organisms on the whole planet earth.  There is a natural balance maintained in the ecosystem and every component of an ecosystem plays its vital role in maintaining it. If there becomes any change in any part of an ecosystem its effects can be seen in the whole ecosystem. Now as the time is changing the natural diversity of an ecosystem is getting disrupted and altered. The change in the ecosystem is alarming because it is causing some serious effects on the life inhibiting in an ecosystem. Here in this article we will discuss some of the threats our marine ecosystem is facing these days

Ocean dumping:

 Ocean dumping is a major threat to marine biomes. Human being is continuously dumping their discarded material into the seas and oceans. The material like plastics, when becomes in contact with marine life like fish, they chock it and the result is a decline in their species. Discarded ballast water from ship tends to generate the organisms that hinder the production of naturally existing marine animals. The oil spilled or discarded in oceans covers he wings and gillsof marine fishes and other marine animals causing them to die slowly and painfully.

Ocean acidification:

The rise in the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is causing an upsurge in ocean acidification. The acidification is much harmful to marine life and is also affecting the human being as marine animals are being consumed by the human for protein intake.

 Ozone Depleting Substances:

The ship releases the pollutant chemicals like CFC, Halogens and other hydrocarbons that destroy the ozone layer. The ozone layer protects the earth from the harmful effects of the ultraviolet radiation emitted from the sun.  The harmful polluting chemicals emitted from the ship destroys the ozone layer and thus adverse are faced by the marine biomes.

Release of SOx and NOx from ships :

Ships traveling in the ocean from one place to another emit two harmful gasses (NOX) and (SOX). These gasses destroys the ozone layers and also results in global warming. Both these actions affect the marine life adversely.

 Fishing and hunting of marine life stock:

 The marine animals are also hunted for domestic and commercial purposes. The net is spread in the sea unattended and many marine predators like shark, turtles got stuck in them. Such fishing practices are the cause of overfishing of ninety percent of globe’s voracious fish .Profitable hunting of whales, sharks and dolphins are also a reason for the decline of marine mammals .annually approximately 1 million sharks are killed for the sake of shark finning activity which quite in human practice.

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

How To Protect Our Environment

Environment refers to ecosystem surrounding us containing habitats and other physical factors interacting with each other. All the living organisms including the human being depend on the environment for their existence.  If the environment is clean and pure the life of the ecosystem inhabitants is sure to be healthy. They are certain to be provided with the better air and better food and water   resulted in leading a healthy life.  With the rapid growth in the population of an environment, we can see that the environmental health is getting distorted. We need to take some necessary steps individually and collectively to avert the distortion in our environment else we will be liable to many health and environmental issues.

Nowadays whatever we are buying or doing is affecting our environment, for instance, we purchase the diesel to run our car, the diesel burn to produce the hydrocarbon that is greenhouse gas we cut the trees that are the source of fresh oxygen in the atmosphere.  So we need to take a few necessary actions to sustain the good health our ecosystem.

Plantation of more trees:
We need to plants more and more trees in the public areas as well as in the forests to keep the environment clean and pure. Because tree gives oxygen to the atmosphere.

Clean our home :
Home and hometown is our main environment we reside on it for our basic living need so we need to protect and clean it. Home is the first priority in his clean need to clean the home and the nearby areas so that we and our children get the better sanitary condition on more green plantation should be done in that place.  Litter should be discarded in bins not on the roadside or in any such place.

Think before buying a product:
Make sure when you go shopping that you are buying an inorganic material. Even assess the fabric before buying a cloth piece whether possess the organic dye or organic polyester fabric material in it the eco-friendly relation will be not buying any such product unless needed at urgent.

Promote the 3Rs of recycling:
Recycling of the products should be practiced more. Instead of discarding the materials that can be used again make them reuse.   Products made from the natural resources and raw materials should be recycled again to make new material once they are discarded.T transport should be shared by the people  instead of using separate and individual automobiles  the smoke from the automobile caused the air pollution besides cigarettes and tobacco products smoking should be reduced at the earliest as they have serious malfunctioning effects on the air around us.

Use biodegradable products :
Make the use of biodegradable and eco-friendly material instead of organic material like when you go shopping , use biodegradable shopping bags instead of plastic polymer based synthesized shopping bags.
Effecting environmental cleaning can remove the unwanted waste material from environment to great extent and will provide people living in an ecosystem with the better and healthy living.